Tuesday, August 21, 2012

All Done

I can't believe I'm all packed up. I feel like Taiwan has been a dream and all I've done is paused my life back home in the states. I really don't want to go back to reality...

Before leaving for the airport, my cousin took me on one last spur of the moment adventure. He took to me tofu alley to eat stinky tofu one last time before I departed. For some reason, this stinky tofu has been the best I've tasted since I came. I don't know if it's because it is actually good or because I know I'm leaving Taiwan indefinitely, so it tastes better. Either way, it was an adventure worth while before my flight....

The flight back wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was a lot more tired than I was going to Taiwan, but I guess it's because I know I'm coming back to reality...I really feel as if I just paused my life here in the states and now I've just unpaused it. Nothing here has changed, but it's as if I've changed the most. I'm already experiencing Taiwan withdrawals and it's not making adjusting to the jetlag any easier. lol.

Now, back to my regular routine of studying and going on with life. The experiences, friends, and memories I've gained from this Taiwan trip has definitely brightened my life and I couldn't have asked for a better summer. I will look forward to the next time I am able to go back to Taiwan. There is just so much to do and buy the next time I go!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Almost Done...

I only have four more days in Taiwan. It's been a bittersweet journey. I love the convenience and the experiences I've made in Taiwan thanks to people I've met, but I'm also excited to go back home to where I'm comfortable and where I can read signs. I'm so conflicted on the emotions I feel right now.

I haven't been updating the blog because,
1) I forget,
2) I adventure around, but I feel like most of the things I write about have already been written about in previous posts, and
3) I'm too lazy. lol.

I need to start packing and start getting my final gifts. This is going to be so sad...

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 40: Work Cancelled!

Work was cancelled today due to the typhoon, so I just slept in ALL DAY. It felt awesomeee, especially after clubbing until early morning the night beforee.

Honestly, I thought a tphoon would be scarier, but its just rain and wind. -______-. Yes, it gets really inconvenient, but I assumed there would be like power shortages or something, but I'm glad it wasn't like that! Now one typhoon has passed, waiting for the second one to pass!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 38 & 39: Typhoon

Because of the typhoon, nothing exciting could be done except go underground shopping at Taipei Main...I've already walked that place so many times, I can tell you which stores are coming up and what they have inside or if they are even worth walking into.

Rainy days in Taiwan are such a drag....THE TYPHOON HAS RUINED MY ADVENTURES! ugh. all my plans have been cancelled, and I only have a few weeks left of Taiwan! Now is the time to squeeze adventures in, but I guess I can't with this BLAH weather.

I guess I will catch up on my sleep and stay in on this lazy, sluggish week.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 33, 34, 35, 36 & 37: Taichung

Hmm..I don't know if I'm getting lazier to write or if my life just isn't as exciting anymore, but I feel like I don't have much to say about my adventures anymore. lol...

Thursday, I didn't feel so well so it was just a really chill day. Did some underground shopping at Taipei Main, but went home early to shower and sleep. Took a nyquil and knocked out.

Friday, I felt a little better, but still not really feeling it. Went out again,but for some reason, it wasn't exciting like previous times. It was just...the usual...haha. I guess I'm just getting accustomed to Taiwan's nightlife.

Saturday, my roommate and I, who is also my sorority sister, went down to Taichung to meet an alumnae from her school. She was super chill and fun to hang with!! She took us shopping and night marketing and it was just super fun, plus a lot cheaper than Taipei. Shopping and eating were much cheaper than where I live in Taipei so it was good break on my wallet and a good break just in general. Even though I just met her, for some reason, I felt like I had known her before. The perks of being a sister of aKDPhi. :D

Sunday, we played in an arcade and worked out our arms. lol. Our sorority sister took us on her moped and it was reaally fuuuuuun with the wind blowing in your hair and everything! haha, except, it was kinda scary with so many fast cars and mopeds around you. Afterwards we went to go eat an all you can eat shabu shabu place (SO GOOD) and then headed back to Taipei. We rode the train both ways and both ways, we had to stand for 2 and a half hours -___- I don't think Asian people have the phrase "sold out" when it comes to transportation....

Today, Monday, was a chill day. A typhoon is coming to Taipei soon so gotta keep things on the dl and not plan too much. haha

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 32: Tamsui

On our day off today, my roommate and I made our way to Tamsui, a 40 minute ride by MRT from Taipei. It was pretty fun with a lot of good food, however, we didn't get to stay as long as I wanted and I didn't get to eat some of the specialty foods Tamsui is known for! :( I must go again some other time before I head back, hopefully. Or it could be another reason to come back to Taiwan another time. lol.

It wasn't a super stressful day and it wasn't super eventful either. lol. Just a lot of eating. :P

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 31: Red Hair

Today was a chill day at work. After work, I went to dye my hair with my two other aKDPhi sisters that I work with. I was going for a dark, purple red but instead, I get this bright, red with a hint of purple. lol. It's much brighter than I thought it would be, but I guess I will just have to get used to it!  Wonder how my parents will react to it...haha...