Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 33, 34, 35, 36 & 37: Taichung

Hmm..I don't know if I'm getting lazier to write or if my life just isn't as exciting anymore, but I feel like I don't have much to say about my adventures anymore. lol...

Thursday, I didn't feel so well so it was just a really chill day. Did some underground shopping at Taipei Main, but went home early to shower and sleep. Took a nyquil and knocked out.

Friday, I felt a little better, but still not really feeling it. Went out again,but for some reason, it wasn't exciting like previous times. It was just...the usual...haha. I guess I'm just getting accustomed to Taiwan's nightlife.

Saturday, my roommate and I, who is also my sorority sister, went down to Taichung to meet an alumnae from her school. She was super chill and fun to hang with!! She took us shopping and night marketing and it was just super fun, plus a lot cheaper than Taipei. Shopping and eating were much cheaper than where I live in Taipei so it was good break on my wallet and a good break just in general. Even though I just met her, for some reason, I felt like I had known her before. The perks of being a sister of aKDPhi. :D

Sunday, we played in an arcade and worked out our arms. lol. Our sorority sister took us on her moped and it was reaally fuuuuuun with the wind blowing in your hair and everything! haha, except, it was kinda scary with so many fast cars and mopeds around you. Afterwards we went to go eat an all you can eat shabu shabu place (SO GOOD) and then headed back to Taipei. We rode the train both ways and both ways, we had to stand for 2 and a half hours -___- I don't think Asian people have the phrase "sold out" when it comes to transportation....

Today, Monday, was a chill day. A typhoon is coming to Taipei soon so gotta keep things on the dl and not plan too much. haha

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