Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 20

Today was a super unproductive day at work. I kept getting distracted, but starting on Monday, I NEED TO GET WORK DONE. I have project due dates coming up, so gotta get on that!

After work today, I met up with some group members for dinner. We went to a restaurant called Pepper Lunch. It served steak, or whatever kind of meat you want, on a sizzling plate with an egg and vegetables. It was quite delicious. When we finished dinner, we roamed around the mall that the restaurant was in and I found the Gundam store where everything was Gundam. I had finally found the place my little brother wanted me to go to buy him his gifts. I spent almost 2000NT on Gundams for him. I'm such a good sister, right? -__- Bought 5 different Gundam figurines for him to build, so hopefully that will keep him busy for awhile. lol.

During dinner, we got a call from our counselor saying he was sick and couldn't make it out tonight to play, so my group members and I decided to surprise him at his place and bring him a bag of get well utilities. We went into the underground mall under the Taipei Main Station and bought him so many things. Fruit, water, cough medicine, vitamin C supplements, a mask, a donut, and even a little teddy bear. :3 I hope he gets well soon so we can go adventuring around as a group again!

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