Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 27, 28, 29, and 30: I need to sleep

Day 27: Shrimping

Friday was a very tiring day. After two days of basically no sleep, it was really hard to stay awake. TGIF was my thought the whole day at work. haha.

I went to a birthday pool party in Xindian on Friday. It was fun, but I felt kind of bad because I didn't know the birthday boy. haha. All I learned was that he was loaded - rich enough to rent out part of a water park and hire tour buses to take us to and from the place. These Taiwanese people. -__-

After the pool party, my friend invited me to go shrimping. Even though I got back from the party around 12 AM, I have always wanted to go shrimping so stupidly, I said yes. Let's just say, shrimping isn't the most exciting activity, until you actually catch something and I rarely caught anything -__-. There was this whole street that had these shrimping stores and in these stores, there were a huge pool with murky water that people were sitting around with these thin fishing rods. I was excited at first because I thought I could catch a lot, but I didn't. We were there for two hours and I only caught 2 shrimp. -__-. Plus it was 500NT too! So expensive...250NT a shrimp T__T. Luckily, my friend caught 6, so in the end we pooled it together so i got to eat 3 shrimp, hehe better than nothing! I don't think I want to go shrimping ever again. First, it gets boring and tiring because shrimping is supposedly only to be done at night/early morning (they open until 6 AM), and second, it's so cruel. When you catch the shrimp, they have these pincer arms, so you have to step on them and rip it off so it won't cut the net you put them in. And then, you HAVE TO eat them if you catch them, so then you have to skewer them and cook them alive. T___T My friend was too much of a wuss (and a guy too -__-) so he had me do it. I felt like such a bad person doing all those things. The shrimp was good, but it was not worth the guilt I felt afterwards. We got home around 3 AM and didn't go to sleep until 4 AM. ..

But on a happier not, I BOUGHT FAR EAST MOVEMENT TICKETS! WEEE. I’m so excited! I get to watch Far East Movement on August 10th in Taipei. HEHE. My first concert! 

Day 28: Shopping

My roommate and I woke up relatively early (11AM) for sleeping so late. Our eyes were literally -__- when we woke up. It didn't help that we had small Asian eyes...

We headed towards Aranzi Cafe, but when we got there, they were already booked until 7 PM! So, we took some pictures in the cafe (because it was super cute inside) and we bought a cake to go because it was in the shape of a bunny. We then went next door to this cute little French cafe, Cafe de France, and just ate lunch there.

After lunch, we went to the Taipei Main Station and just shopped around. It was a really chill day, but it was also tiring at the same time because I was just walking around all day.

I wanted to take a nap before I went out with friends, but unfortunately, that didn't happen. We came home around 3 AM, but didn't even go clubbing. We went over to a friend's apartment and just chilled, but we still managed to come home so late! I really need to keep better track of time...

Day 29: Bitan and Hello Kitty Cafe

I went to Bitan in Xindian today with my group members. There were so many couples - it is such a date place. At Bitan, there is this really long bridge that crosses over the river and people can also sit in Swan, or other animal shaped, paddle boats and cruise the river. That's what my group and I did, but man, it looks easier than it was. My thighs had a good workout. It was nice seeing my group again, even though I see them every week. haha. I'll definitely miss them when I'm back in the states.

After Bitan, my group dispersed to do their own things and I went with my roommate to the Hello Kitty Cafe. Everything inside was pink and decked with bows and hello kitty faces. It's crazy how much people like Hello Kitty to have a restaurant dedicated to it.

The food was really expensive so my roommate and I just ordered a dessert and drink and it still cost us around 400NT each. -__- The dessert wasn't even that great...Oh wells, all for the experience and bragging rights, right? I got a creme brulee and this chocolate smoothie, but the creme brulee tasted like an egg custard and the chocolate tasted like chocolate and ice mixed together. MEH.The only good thing was that I got a lot of pictures out of it and there was Hello Kitty everywhere and on everything.

Day 30: Consequences

Today, I felt like such a zombie. I needed it to be a relaxing day with no side adventures and that's what I did today. I went to a birthday dinner, but besides that, there was nothing more exciting, which is GREAT. Time to catch up on sleep. I'm still suffering from last Wednesday. haha.

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