Sunday, July 8, 2012

Days 13, 14, and 15

This weekend has been pretty busy. After work on Friday I met up with some high school friends and ate dinner. Later that night we went to Myst and again, I came home around 4am. It is so tiring when Taiwanese clubs close at 4. Back in the states when clubs close at 2, there is an excuse to go home, but here everyone parties until the sun comes up. By the time I got home, the birds were already chirping outside -__-.

Saturday, I had to wake up somewhat early to meet up with my group from orientation. It was soo good seeing my counselor and my other group members! I feel like after a week with each other, we've gotten closer than we were when we were actually together during orientation. lol. We ate at this really fancy Thai restaurant called RAMA, located right next to Taipei 101 on the 10th floor. It had a pool as part of the restaurant which was really cool. After lunch, we went to watch Ted as a group. Oh my, it was funny. When we finished the movie, we ate shaved ice. Hehe. I got mango shaved ice and it was delicious! Will definitely get that again, hopefully soon.

Unfortunately, it was time to depart. :( It was really nice seeing them and I hope I'll be able to see them again soon! When I went back home, I knocked out. I was so sleepy from the night before that I just in a constant state of sleepiness. lol. I felt bad since I asked my roommate to eat dinner with me, but I napped for so long that I missed dinner time >.< and even after I showered, I just slept even more. For once, I didn't go out on a Saturday night because I was sleeping lol.

On Sunday, my roommates and I went to Wufengpu. It's a shopping district where they sell a lot of clothes and  accessories for a cheap price. There was just so much stuff going on that it was hard for me to pick something out. I was worried that later down the line there would be something cheaper, but everything was around the same price -__-. My goal was to buy a few summer dresses and tops and maybe cute accessories and handbags, but I only got two things: a  coral high-low skirt and a copper dress. It wasn't such a big fail, but it wasn't as successful as I had hoped it would be. Oh wells, I guess I'll have to try to make it back another time before I leave! The rest of the day was pretty chill - just relaxed in my room in the A/C. Man, the A/C must be the greatest invention in the whole world!

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