Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 21 and 22

It's been another crazy weekend, in a way.

Saturday, my roommate, our two mutual friends, and I went to Ximen to do some shopping and eat at the Modern Toilet. Even though I've been there before, it was fun to go with friends who have never been there. Their facial expressions were just too funny.

After lunch at the Modern Toilet, we did some shopping, bought many cute earrings for 50NT each! Still need to do some more gift shopping and self shopping though. hehe.

Eventually, we found our way to the Doll House/Swing Cafe. It's this place that has swings for you to sit on, instead of chairs, and stuffed animals surround you everywhere. It was really soothing that all of us just wanted to fall asleep.

When we got back home, we got ready for our other roommate's birthday celebration. We went to Babe18, an all you can drink club, and had a pretty nice table. I'm glad we got the table because the dance floor was waaaay too crowded and the couch was very comforting on my feet as well. lol.

I came back relatively early, 3 AM, and waited for my roommates to make their way back home. The last one came home at 5 AM, so thus, I did not sleep until 6 AM -__-. I spent my whole Sunday sleeping. I feel really bad since I had a lot of plans today, but all cancelled since I was too tired to wake up. lol. I'll have to plan this out better next time. :P

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