Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 5 and 6

Day 5:

YAY! Our counselor wore his shirt today! He told us when he saw it, he was first like “oh shit, why is it so dirty?” but then when he read the notes he said he was about to cry. SO CUTE.

lolol it has blobs of ink, but it's the thought that counts!
We did a lot of walking today. In the morning, we took a hike through the woods where we were staying. It was really pretty and scenic, but everything seemed like it was poisonous. Lol. Our tour guide was like “don’t touch anything or you will die!” Such a dangerous place to be….

look how pretty the bamboo forest is!
After our hike, we headed to Sun Moon Lake. It’s really pretty. We got to go on a boat and travel around the lake. It was nice to be on a boat with a breeze and cool water spraying everywhere.

Chicken stuffed with rice. A special Sun Moon Lake treat.
We headed to dinner after exploring the lake…this will be our last dinner together as group 24...

During dinner, we had to perform a skit in front of all the groups and for my group, wee mimicked the video “shit girls say” and changed it up to “stuff TTT makes us do.” It was pretty funny, but we never thought we would win anything. There are 27 groups and 8 prizes and amazingly our group won most creative. Haha. We only practiced a total of 1 and a half hours during the whole week while other groups practiced 5-6 hours. Haha. I feel kinda of bad, but not really. We got really good mochi and these Asian brown sugar rice crispies. YUMMMMM.

After all the skits were performed, it was time for the closing ceremony. I never believed I could be such close friends with the people in my group, including my counselor. My counselor brought out these little tea candles and then my counselor started crying. I would have never thought he would be the type to cry, but I just find new things about him everyday. He’s such a considerate and compassionate guy. I’m glad I had him as my counselor and can call him a friend. J Well, of course, the cry baby that I am, I started crying when he started crying. UGH I hate this crying reflex….haha

Anyway, we were all very sad and exchanged some few words among our group, but at the end of the night, we were rolling on the ground laughing. After dinner, we headed to my room and we played some drinking games with our counselor and played some truth or dare. We got closer than ever. I just wish we had more time together, but I guess that just means we’ll have to have reunions in Taipei later on in the coming months!

Day 6: 

Today is the last day of orientation.  I’ve really enjoyed my time with my group members and my counselor. In such a short amount of time, we became such good friends. It’s amazing what one week can do to 12 very different individuals.

We had one more stop to make as TTT before we all go our separate ways to our assigned internships. We were able to make lei-cha. Lei-cha is a type of green tea that contains grounded nuts and grains. It’s very good for your body as it contains many nutrients and it can be eaten as part of breakfast. It was a lot of work grounding the buts and grains in a powdery consistency, but the boys of our group, mainly my counselor, was able to make the tea just right for us. Hehe.

Unfortunately, after lunch we had to depart. It was such a corny parting. It started raining when we were going onto our separate busses and everyone saying bye. Haha

Group 24!

When I got to Taipei, I explored the city a bit; tracing my footsteps from my dorm to places around it. Even though I didn’t wander too far, I still had a hard time finding my way back to the dorm. EVERYTHING LOOKS LIKE THE SAME! Haha.

My dorm is about a 15 minute walk from where I work, Taipei Medical University. As I am walking to work, I have a beautiful view of Taipei 101. It’s amazing. My dorm is on the 5th floor and is a suite-style. The wifi is AMAZING, so skype me! I have full bars of internet everywhere, I can even use wifi calling, so text me people if you want!! I’ll answer when I’m in the room, but I can’t guarantee I’ll be there often. There is just so much to do in Taipei itself! Even though the internet is awesome, the dorm is alright…There is a living room when you first walk into the front door and then there are 5 different doors. In my room there are 3 beds. Luckily, I live with my sorority sister and this other really awesome girl; plus, we all are in the same internship together! We have beds, closets, and desks, all usable, but really crappy….oh well. The only horrendous thing is that the bathroom is outside…on the balcony…above the street…haha oh well. YOLO right? Plus, it’s only 2 months of showering outside in the humid streets of Taiwan. Thankfully there are blinds…lol.


  1. i saw a picture of it!! your counselor looks young!! whats TTT?

    1. yeah, he's 21! and TTT=Taiwan Tech Trek. It's an internship program :)

  2. oh eheh found the picture of the shirt. omg that chicken stuffed rice looks AHMAZAZAAING!! lets skype date soon lil! showering outside can be really fun! lol.
