Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 25: A day full of eating

Today was a just a full day of eating. From the time I get up to when I went out, it was just constant eating.

Woke up today and ate at an all you can eat shabu shabu place. IT WAS SO GOOD. There was a huge variety of food, from all different kinds of fish cakes to different kinds of veggies. It was amazing how many different kinds of things I could choose from. Plus, the appetizers, drinks, AND desserts were filled with tons of choices, like gummy bears on a stick and chocolate fondue machine.

After lunch for two hours, my roommates and I headed over to a shaved ice place called Ice Monster where you have to wait in line to get in. It's supposed to be that good. However, I didn't think it was THAT good. It had some odd flavors that made the shop interesting, but it wasn't the greatest shaved ice I've had. We ordered the Milk Tea with Boba and a Mango Shaved Ice. Both were waaaay too sweet and the Milk Tea shaved ice gave me a tummy ache and head ache. Maybe we just ordered the wrong ones, but I was disappointed. I wish it was worth the wait outside in the smoldering heat. The shop had a cute mascot though!

After shaved ice, my roommates and I went our separate ways. One went shopping, the other went back home to nap, and I went to go eat dinner with my group mates. However, I didn't really eat. I wish I did though. The food looked really good. :(

With dinner over, I headed back home and changed really quickly to go out to Luxy for Ladies Night. Tonight was just not as popping or crazy as last week. There was no midget pirate crowd surfing in a life boat, but men carrying around bottles of Smirnoff and feeding the crowd still happened. I wanted to go home sooner, but I had to deal with some drama between a couple tonight, so I didn't get to go home as soon as I had hoped. Oh well....I have to wake up for work in 3 hours...maybe I'll just pull an all nighter..

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