Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day 11: Ladies Night

What did I do yesterday...

My roommates and I stopped by this sao bing yo tiao (my ping ying is really bad...haha) place for breakfast before work today. It was SUPER delicious. It just doesn't taste the same back in the states when my mom makes it. It's just flakier and better tasting. haha. There is just something about Taiwanese foods that I can't describe; once you eat it, it just can't be replicated back in the states.

Work was fine. Nothing too horrible. However, our supervisor took us out to lunch to this really nice dumpling house that served soup dumplings, shao long bao. I liked the crab egg one the best. Sounds weird, but it was so good!

After work, my roommates and I decided to celebrate July 4th by going to Dazzling Champagne and Bar for their Fourth of July Celebration! I'm not sure if there were a lot of ABTs (American Born Taiwanese) there, but it was just a super chill place. It wasn't too crowded, which I guess is expected on a Wednesday night. After we had our fair share of Dazzling, we headed to Room 18. It's pretty nice in there. The place is filled with blacklights and neon colors. It was kind of lame at first because no one was dancing since there weren't that many people, but it got better later on in the night. Wednesdays are ladies' night at the clubs, so girls always get in free. :D  I didn't think we would get back so late (3:30am) and I kind of wished we came back earlier because waking up for work was such a drag...I'm just trying to stay awake right now. haha.

Happy July 4th!

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