Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 9: First Day of Work

Today was the first day of work. It was actually pretty fun, except I was super tired. During the morning presentation, I had to work so hard to keep my eyes open. lol. It got better throughout the day though. It's a good thing that I ate that Dan Bing (egg wrapped around a pancake sort of thing) before I left for work today. It was sooo good with some soymilk. Surprisingly, I wasn't allergic, which is super nice!

I work with my roommates so it's super convenient and really fun. We've gotten really close and it's just so much fun to live with them. I hope we won't be at each other's throats at the end of this internship though...haha.

I didn't do much today except figure out where my college I was assigned to was located and what they wanted me to edit and translate. It was actually kind of fun because we just had a tour of the school and the neighborhood without having to do much work. Plus, my supervisor is super chill. She brought us hummus and salsa she made herself and it was delicious. :) Never thought I'd eat hummus and salsa in Taiwan. lol and what's even more awesome is that I only work from 9:30am to 4:30pm and I don't work Wednesdays! WOOOT! That means I only work for 4 days. MUAHAHA. It just gets better and better. Plus, I get my own cubicle in an air conditioned room with no one supervising me. I can take super long lunch breaks just as long I get my work done. It's awesome. :D

For lunch, my coworkers and I went to the hospital cafeteria (the hospital is associated with the Taipei Medical University and is right next to the school). The food was actually pretty good and a good amount for the price. It wasn't anything fancy, just a typical Taiwanese lunch box with four side dishes. hehe still really good though!

After work today, we chilled in our air conditioned room and then went to meet with my cousin and her fiancee for dinner. I was so happy to see her. I haven't seen her for at least two years and she's eight months pregnant now! Ah I can't wait until she has her baby! We ate at this traditional Taiwanese restaurant with tons of dishes. I ate many things I wouldn't usually eat if I weren't with them. I felt bad because my cousin's fiancee took off work to come eat with me. >.< what a nice guy. It was so much fun though. For some reason, I always have so much fun when I'm with my cousin. I wish I could come back to Taiwan to visit her more often, but I guess I have an excuse now, to teach my baby cousin(is that what I even call him?) English. What's so awesome is that she said that I can choose his English name! What should I choose? Any ideas??

When we finished dinner, my cousin and her fiancee took me and my roommates to a dessert place. So it's basically a huge cup of toppings and ice, like shaved ice, but more watery. It was super yummy nonetheless. I had boba, grass jelly, red beans, and their special mochi/boba like taro flavored, chewy ball. haha. It's hard to describe, but just so good! You add ice over it and pour on brown sugar water and voila! Deliciousness in a cup!

Today was such a fun day. It'll be hard to top off this day.

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