Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 7

Day 7:

I started off the day with adventure in mind. My friend and I met up with some other people from TTT at Ximen Ding. Ximen ding is a shopping center that turns into a nightmarket at night. It also has a movie theater and tons of random shops. It’s actually pretty awesome. We just shopped around for the longest time and went into a T.G.I. Fridays to chill and drink a little bit since the legal drinking age in Taiwan is 18. yay. gaga.

AMF :)
We then went to watch the new Spider Man movie, The Amazing Spider Man. It was alright…not the best. The main actor looks better than Toby McGuire, but the plot line isn’t as nice as the original.

After the movies, we went to this restaurant called the Modern Toilet. It’s such an awesome restaurant. They serve their foods in poop shape and in toilet shaped bowls. Lol. Like the main meal is served in a toilet and their ice cream is shaped like poop. Their drinks come in urinals and we sit on toilets. Haha. It was such a fun and amazing experience, except the food was kind of crappy. I guess you go just for the experience.

After dinner, we went back home to get ready to go clubbing. We found out that Akon was in Taipei and the after party was at a place called Myst. The place is really nice. When you walk into the club there is a waterfall. It’s like a sophisticated club RIGHT next to Taipei 101. If you go onto the balcony, Taipei 101 is literally right next to it. The music was pretty good and there were go-go dancers everywhere on the dance floors. What was nice was that girls were invited on stage to dance. It was actually a fun experience. HEHE. Haven’t done that before in the states. Plus, we also got free drinks. Clubbing in Taiwan is so nice since girls get in free and get free drinks. J However, the guys were really lame…oh wells. I guess I won’t be finding anything here in Taiwan! :P

Oh, and did I mention Taiwan clubs don’t close until 4 am?! I stayed up ALL night which was really fun, yet really tiring. Oh man…

1 comment:

  1. omg you should call up weija! she went there too. uiuc alum. let me see if she's still there. look at you lil just partying everywhere.
