Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 18: Dazzling Cafe and Shida Nightmarket

I finally got to sleep in today. It felt amazing. lol. I didn't have work today, so I was able to get a good night's rest and wake up refreshed; however, when I woke up at noon, I still felt pretty sleepy.

My roommates and I went to Dazzling Sunshine Cafe in one of the department stores next to Taipei 101 for late lunch. The place was in a little corner surrounded by shoes and clothes. I ordered the spaghetti with meat sauce because they didn't have the pesto pasta I wanted, and ordered a fruit black tea. I must admit, the food was pretty delicious. After lunch we ordered their famous Honey Toast. We picked the "Party in your mouth" honey toast. It came with strawberries, ice cream, and a strawberry macaroon. It was super delicious! This place is worth coming back for, just to eat the toast though. hehe.

Later in the night, my roommate's friend took us to Shida Nightmarket. Let's not mention that on the way there, we totally got lost on the MRT. We first took the wrong subway, and then we missed our stop. -__-. Oh well, we still made it there in one piece! Shida isn't as big as Shilin, but it was still good. There aren't too many options when it comes to food, but the food that they do have is delicious! I felt like such a fatty because I ate 5 different kinds of foods. haha. >.<

I have come to a revelation after the nightmarket. I don't have a boyfriend because I sweat like crazy. .__. hahaha. I was sweating balls at the nightmarket and it was just me and my roommates. Obviously, the Americans sweat more than the locals -__-. It's was way too hot to be wandering around, but it was all worth it. It's all for the experience right?

After going back to the dorm with the wonderful A/C and showering, my roommates and I got ready for ladies' night again. Except this time, we have promised each other we will come back home at an appropriate time so we can sleep and wake up in the morning to go to work. lol. Last week was a fail. We were too tired to do anything at work with just four hours of sleep. haha. Never again...

...Yet, it happened again. lol. Luxy was sooo much fun last night. Totally a club for ABCs. Everyone was speaking English, I can finally understand people now at a club! haha. It was crazy in there, confetti being blasted everywhere and mist spraying everywhere. I must say, it was a good night.

1 comment:

  1. sweating is not a reason why you dont have a boyfriend little. wtf. lol. the boys dont have a girlfriend cause THEY sweat alot. shieeet. lol. and the more you sweat, the more healthier you are. the problem comes.. when.. your sweat stank. your sweat isn't that bad. :)

    all your damn posts are about freakin food. we are doing more planks. lol. all i want to do is eat everything you eat.
