Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I still have a little bit more than a week before I go to Taiwan, but for some reason I feel like I have much longer. I guess a part of me doesn't want to leave by myself to a place that is flooding and raining a lot -__-. I'm dreading packing...there is so much I want to bring, but I can't.

However, I recently discovered that one of my sorority sisters that I met a couple of weeks ago will also be doing the SAME internship as me and we might even live together! WEEEEEE. I won't be so alone anymore!! It's going to be so much fun. >:)

Anywho, I have discovered this website,,0, and have decided, I WILL TRY ALL 40 FOODS (+ more that weren't on that site) when I am in Taiwan, or at least attempt to try all 40. lol. I've had many of those foods before, my mom makes a lot of them, but since Taiwan is mainly known for its delicious cuisine, what better way to spend my time than eat? I'm pretty sure that when I return back home to the states, I will have gained weight, but I will keep telling myself it's all for the better good. buahaha.


  1. that's when you are gonna gain your 15 pounds that you didnt gain in freshmen year LOL

  2. Sometimes being alone is a better way to get to know people.


    Some of the pictures are misleading though. They don't really look all that tasty when you get them in real life. "They still taste good, even if they don't look that tasty." - Angela

    You have to eat lots of shaved ice! :] And special Asian flavored popsicles [e.g. durian, mung bean, etc.] Angela suggests eating this ice cream that is wrapped in peanuts and also, the pork blood gao.
