Saturday, June 9, 2012

Just the beginning...

Weee! My first blog post...EVER! How exciting!

So my life back in California has just been eating, sleeping, watching Game of Thrones (SO GOOD!), other random movies, and playing around with the little brother and dog. Being back home definitely hits the spot. I'm so glad to be home and to be surrounded by my family and good food. Madison lacks both of those things. lol.

After reading a few of my friends' summer blogs about their internship, food, and travel adventures, I've decided to take up a blog of my own detailing my summer abroad in Taiwan. It probably won't be as awesome  or enticing as others, but it'll suffice in jogging my memories when I look back later in my life. :)

I still have a couple weeks left with family before I depart for Taiwan for my internship. I'll be in Taiwan for 8 hot, humid, and sticky weeks, so let's hope I come back to the states in one piece and maybe a little bit smarter! Let me know of any fun places to visit since I'll be adventuring by myself...NO PARENTS. O__O. I now wish my Mandarin was better, but I guess I will just have to practice there and be a total tourist. haha.

For the past couple of weeks, all I have been doing is preparing for my trip. Mom is deciding for me what clothes are appropriate to wear in Taiwan; for the conservative people and for the weather. Mom thinks I dress too casually or even sloppy sometimes. Ehh I guess I'll let her decide what to bring..not saying I'm going to wear everything she tells me to bring though >:).

Let's hope I keep this going when I'm in Taiwan. I foresee myself having a tendency to get lazy and stop documenting my days. lol. I'll update on the days leading up to my departure (maybe)! lol.

For 8 weeks, it will be me, myself, and Taiwan. :)


  1. HI JC!! It's Candice!! Wanna let you know.. i have a blog too teehee!! :)

  2. Aww ^^ Kiddo, I love your profile pic! lol. And little, PLEASE make sure you keep up with the blogging. It's amazing how great it feels to read it years from now. Also, nosey people like your big sis enjoys living vicariously through other people's lives. :)

    You should also bring a notebook to jot things down while you're not by a computer. It's fun to look it up later or even just have it with you do see what you gathered far far away.

    Also, you should ask for people's address and send them post cards. (HINT HINT HINT)lol.
